Harris Stay-Silv® 15% Silver PhosCopper Brazing Alloy

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Harris Stay-Silv® 15


15% Silver PhosCopper Brazing Alloy

For many years the standard of the industry, the 15% silver alloy has proven its value. This filler metal is excellent for situations in which close fit-up does not exist, and where thermal expansion and service vibration are involved.

Typical Application:  Stay Silv 15 brazing filler metal is a frequent choice for brazing copper, especially in brazing air conditioning and refrigeration connections. The alloy has a wide melting range which allows the operator to fill loose connections and “cap” or build up around the finished joint. When heated above its liquidus temperature, however, it will flow into tight connections. Stay Silv 15 can be used to braze brass with the use of appropriate brazing flux. Stay Silv 15 is not recommended for brazing steel or other ferrous metals due to sufficient lack of joint ductility. It is generally suitable for brazing low nickel, (10% maximum), copper/nickel base metals.

AWS A5.8 BCuP-5

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  • 1/16" dia x 20" (1.59 mm dia x 508 mm) - 51 Stick Tube - 15320R1
  • 3/32" dia x 20" (2.38 mm dia x 508 mm) - 24 Stick Tube - 15520R1
  • 0.050" x 1/8" Sticks - 1 Tube - 15620F1