TIG Finger XL Heat Shield

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TIG Finger XL Heat Shield

The one and only genuine TIG finger XL from the legendary Weldmonger

Take it from Jody Collier himself:


"I get emails all the time from welders thanking me for their Tig Finger because it helped them pass a welding test.

That's a pretty good feeling to know I helped someone take their skill to the next level.

Whether you are practicing to take a 6g test, tig welding aluminum tubing, repairing a cast aluminum gearbox, or tig welding sanitary stainless tubing, I promise you a Tig finger will help.

Finish that long pass without getting burned!

What do you do when you are almost finished with the best bead of your life and your knuckle is begging you to quit?

Do you hang in there and get burned?

Well, I have plenty of scars to prove I hung in there too long.  Sometimes, I get burned, but sometimes I bail out and then the bead is not quite as pretty.

You don't have to  sacrifice your fingers for a pretty weld!

The Tig Finger® has become a welding industry standard, allowing welders to slide smoothly along hot metal, 

It's like having a prop in your pocket! And trust me... It's durable...You'll most likely lose it before you wear it out.


The XL is bigger and thicker and most welders can fit 2 fingers in it.

The XL is not meant to be a replacement for the standard model, but it does work well for certain welding positions. It also has the ability to protect 2 fingers at once, which can at times be a significant advantage.

I like to put in on my middle 2 fingers and then wrap my pinky and index finger behind it so all fingers are shielded."

Don't buy into imitations. Trust the original Tig Finger Heat Shield®.

**Tig Finger® Heat Shield is 100% Asbestos free and 100% Awesome, hand-made in the USA.